Accelerating the transformation of New Zealand energy sector

Kākāriki is a joint venture between Energy Estate and Elemental Group to develop a portfolio of renewable energy projects to accelerate the decarbonisation of New Zealand’s energy sector.
In 2021, we conceived and promoted the 600% Renewables campaign for New Zealand. 600% Renewables is now an achievable goal which will create enduring economic opportunities and aligns with the goals of our major partners.
Kākāriki plays a unique role in the New Zealand energy ecosystem with the scale of our vision and ambition. We take a regional approach to our development activities focusing on the best renewable resources in each region and how our projects can drive decarbonization and load growth at the regional level.
Formed in 2020, Kākāriki’s development principles are well-aligned with global impact frameworks (Equator Principles, United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and Infrastructure Sustainability Council) and these principles enable us to deliver benefits for Maōri, traditional owners, the environment, society, the economy, and culture.
Key Features:
23+ sites throughout NZ offering strong wind and solar resources and storage capacity in close proximity to grid transmission
Key market is domestic transport and industrial processes
Opportunity for businesses to secure green electricity through power purchase agreements

Pūtaiao Ora
A name gifted to the Kākāriki joint venture
At a Māori class in Taranaki, we shared our vision of bringing low cost renewable energy and storage technology to Aotearoa New Zealand. The feedback was that our name for the JV, which is Māori for green, didn’t do justice to our impressive vision and approach. A Māori language group in Waitara, Taranaki came up with the name Pūtaiao Ora - which they have gifted to the Kākāriki joint venture.
Pūtaiao is science but can be broken down into the foundation (Pū) of the environment (Taiao). Ora which means wellbeing, is also O te rā meaning from the sun, which is where our renewable energy comes from – whether as sunlight or wind energy.
The Kākāriki joint venture has gratefully accepted this gift and we hope to name all of our projects in Aotearoa as a blend of local Māori names and Pūtaiao Ora, our gift from Waitara.